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6 Important Data Center Insights Every CIO Should Know 

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Did you know that only 1 in 4 organizations plan on building out their own data centers when they run out of floor space? 451 Research conducted a survey that queried senior IT managers about their organization’s strategy to accommodate a rapid data center expansion which revealed many interesting trends.

In this report, 451 Research highlights the fact that over 1 in 3 enterprises are adopting colocated solutions when compared to alternate options such as building onsite or using cloud infrastructure. With so much on the line, every CIO should carefully consider their own unique situation while simultaneously guiding their enterprise into the coming years. Here are 6 important data center trends that every CIO should know:

Within 24 Months, Many Enterprises Will Move Offsite

Build-vs-Buy-Colocation-Data-Centers | Deluxe company Now more than ever, enterprises are ditching their server closets and moving all of their onsite data center equipment into colocated data centers. Research analysts predict that most organizations will use cloud, colo or a combination of the two.

Power and Rack Density Are Key Drivers

When organizations shop data centers, buyers may focus in on two key factors. Having trusted and recognizable power equipment helps those evaluating data centers make confident decisions in their quest to find the best colocation provider. Being able to store dense, next generation equipment also helps data centers close the deal with prospective clients.

The Need for Managed Security Services

IMG_20150910_170031 | Deluxe company Is your organization at risk for a Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack? How can your enterprise fend off a cyber attack? Sometimes, a firewall just isn’t enough. Your data center colocation hosting solution may offer managed security services. One of the most popular add-on security features is DDoS mitigation.

Network Uptime & Availability is More Critical Than Ever

Some enterprises cannot afford to risk their network availability by using cloud based solutions. A Google search for “High profile cloud outages” only proves that when cloud goes down, enterprises are often left in the dark about what happens next. Colocated data centers such as ColoCrossing can uniquely offer 100% network uptime & availability.

The Combination of IT and Facilities

In larger organizations, the facilities crew can sometimes battle with the IT staff on the ownership of the data center. When colocation is introduced, your data center provider will be solely responsible for providing the racks, the cabinets, the power and the ping. This simultaneously streamlines your operation while allowing your IT staff to focus on their day to day tasks.

The Average Age of an Onsite Data Center: 20 Years Old

Tim Flynn at Forsythe Focus says “With the average U.S. data center approaching 20 years of age, enterprises simply don’t want to deal with outdated facilities and building systems infrastructure.” The age of your onsite data center is likely to become a motivating factor for your transition into a colocated data center.


Jon Biloh
Jon Biloh

As president I'm responsible for developing and executing our global strategy, generating new business opportunities, enhancing the customer experience and ensuring that ColoCrossing provides world class service!