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Choosing ColoCrossing is more than just selecting a vendor. We treat our customers as partners, not just clients who buy services from us. When you hire us, you can think of it as extending your internal IT Department as well as your IT Infrastructure.

Managed Hosting

Fast and easy web hosting with added security and reliability.

Managed Hosting Info

Disaster Recovery

Having a Disaster Recovery plan is integral to the success of your business. We can help.

Disaster Recovery Info

Managed Cloud

Step out of the public cloud and into a customized, secure private cloud.

Managed Cloud Info

Datacenter Migration

Planning and executing a datacenter migration is an enormous task. Learn how we can help.

Datacenter Migration Info

DDoS Mitigation

Protect your organization against a DDoS attack with our DDoS Mitigation Services.

DDoS Mitigation Info

Managed Network

We'll manage and monitor your network so that it's always online and available for you to access.

Managed Network Info

Managed Firewall

They days of leaving your security on auto-pilot are long gone. Partner with us to build a current, managed firewall to protect your organization.

Managed Firewall Info

Remote Hands

Partnering with ColoCrossing truly extends your own IT Department. This is never more true than with our Remote Hands services.

Remote Hands Info

Service Packs

Partnering with ColoCrossing for your IT infrastructure is an excellent business continuity decision. We take a multifaceted approach to ensuring your equipment is safe, secure and functioning as intended. We stand behind our clear no-excuses 100% uptime service level agreement – protecting every device under our management.

Managed Servers

$ 200 /mo

Let us manage your servers for you.

Managed Servers Info

Multi-Server Management

$ 500 /mo

Bundle your server management and save!

Multi-Server Info

Professional Services

$ 125 /mo

Essential Professional Services to augment your IT department.

Professional Services Info

ColoCore - Full Suite

$ 5000 /mo

Take a hands-off approach to you IT needs.

ColoCore - Full Suite Info

Looking for More?


Single server, half cabinet, full cabinet, and cage space colocation

Managed Services

Managed hosting, disaster recovery, datacenter migration, DDoS mitigation, and much more


Catering network solutions for web/VPS hosting, government, healthcare, eCommerce, and much more

More Info

Convinced? Get in Touch with Us Today!

Please call 1-800-518-9716 to speak one-on-one with a member of our team, or fill out the form below