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Top 10 Cyber Security Threats – Is Your Business at Risk? 

April 29, 2019
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Did you know that a large number of small business owners are concerned about cyber attacks (approximately 58 percent), but that just half of those individuals actually allocate a budget for protection? What makes this even more concerning is the fact that the number of potential security threats is increasing all the time.

If you don’t believe your small business is at risk because you are too “small potatoes,” think again. It’s estimated that 43 percent of all cyber attacks target small businesses. As a result, you may be at more of a risk than you think.

One of the best things you can do to protect yourself from these threats is to get to know what they are. Here you will find the top 10 cyber security threats to your business.

1. Slow Paced Regulations

It’s important that there’s a continuing effort to improve all relevant regulations regarding cyber security. The fast-moving nature of cyber security is outpacing regulation.

Currently, this is too slow and extremely clumsy, making it completely irrelevant. In fact, it may even wind up hindering security by creating a culture of compliance regarding regulations, and a false sense of security against the nefarious individuals who are motivated, clever, and agile.

2. An Increase in Social Engineering Attacks

Social engineering is what data thieves and hackers use to access a business’s sensitive information. This is done through phishing, impersonating another company or person, and other tactics.

It’s crucial that you remain suspicious of all phone calls, emails, links and other types of communication. After all, approximately 60 percent of all attacks are caused by “insiders.”

3. Data Theft Evolving into Data Manipulation

Many hackers are beginning to change their methodology. No longer are they focusing on pure data theft, but instead, hacking into websites and attacking the data integrity itself.

This specific type of attack is going to cause longer-term, reputational damage, unlike the straightforward theft of your data. It’s going to result in people questioning the integrity of the data in question.

4. Vulnerable Mobile Devices

When it comes to mobile devices and their use with businesses, the two are virtually synonymous today. After all, having these devices on-hand and connected to a business network ensures everyone can communicate with ease.

However, the default 4-pin code used to protect many devices isn’t very secure. Instead, opt for longer codes – this is a tip for both iOS and Android devices.

There are other protective tools that can boost a phone’s security, as well. Investing in this protection can prove invaluable.

5. Reduced Talent Pool

The demand for quality, skilled cyber security pros is continuing to grow, but the number of available candidates is shrinking. The high level of demand and expertise from businesses of all sizes is going to continue to grow in the near future.

Organizations that are unable to acquire top talent, make for much more desirable targets when it comes to hacking.

6. Not Backing Everything Up

If you aren’t making regular backups for your data and information, then you don’t have a very secure plan in place. Believe it or not, this process is much easier than it may seem.

There’s absolutely no reason for you not to be backing up your files. You can use external devices, an off-site data facility, or the cloud. The goal is to do this and do it often.

7. Targeting of Consumer Devices

Ransomware is a serious issue for many businesses. Now, consumers are becoming targets via a wide array of connected objects.

One example of this is how child predators are beginning to target IoT devices in various toys specifically designed for children. Attackers may even target your smart TV, which could require the owner to pay a fee to have it unlocked.

8. Old Antivirus or Anti-Malware Software

Malware and viruses are going to always be a threat. As a result, it’s a good idea to invest in one of the highest quality antivirus tools available.

It’s also a good idea to utilize anti-malware tools, which allow you to scan your device on-demand. There are some options that are even available for free.

9. Wireless Router Access

The router your business uses is your first line of defense. You need to change the login to access this device to ensure nefarious individuals cannot gain access.

In some cases, hiring a third-party service provider to help with this can be beneficial.

10. Attackers are Getting Smarter

The ability attackers have to write bespoke, targeted code is continuing to improve much faster than defenders are able to counter it. These individuals are going to continue to exploit all that is offered by the Dark Web – including the ability it provides for them to communicate with other criminals.

The Top 10 Cyber Security Threats: Now You Know

Now that you know what the top 10 cyber security threats are, what are you going to do? You can’t sit ideally by and hope your business doesn’t become a target- this simply isn’t a viable solution.

Also, if you are a business owner, you have likely put quite a bit of time, money and effort into the business you have built. As a result, you need to ensure you are taking steps to protect it.

Get in Touch with Us Today! 

If you need more information about protecting your business and your sensitive data and information, contact us or email us at Our team is dedicated to helping protect your business from known and unknown threats using the latest and most state-of-the-art methods available today.


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