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Will the Internet of Things always be so vulnerable? 

April 20, 2017
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Will the Internet of Things always be so vulnerable?

‍Cyber Security experts are concerned about organizational preparedness as the IoT marketplace grows. Reports show that 64% of Americans have been affected by a major data breach. With numbers this high, organizations can count on customers losing trust in their ability to deliver safe and secure products. 

If your organization is having issues with data security, it might be time to enlist the assistance of a team that can manage the security of your network 24/7/365. The dedicated professionals at ColoCrossing can help. 

Safeguards and security

The Internet of Things doesn’t have to be as vulnerable as it currently stands. In many cases, the transition to managing business affairs online — everything from accounting and storing customer data, to production and inventory management — has occurred faster than business leaders can adopt new security measures. In their eagerness to improve communication, data storage, and business operations through IoT devices, many businesses simply haven’t paused long enough to think about the careful protection of that data. 

Though countless enterprises would like to say otherwise, the truth is cyberattacks cannot be fully prevented. Nevertheless, smart companies — and individual users — can adopt quality standards and best practices that minimise those risks to ensure IoT becomes a boon, not a burden.


Matt Zelasko
Matt Zelasko

Matthew is a big fan of time travel and he is presently visiting Buffalo, NY for a while. Winter is tough but the summertime is wonderful here. Content Marketing, Inbound Marketing, and Social Media Marketing are his mainstays, but he's been known to craft a mean email and design the odd landing page.