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Introducing Bcachefs Support and Marknote App in KaOS Linux 2024.05 Release 

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The independent development team of the KaOS Linux distribution, which is based on KDE software, has announced the release and broad availability of KaOS 2024.05. This latest stable snapshot for May 2024 integrates all current software updates.

Arriving nearly three months after KaOS 2024.03 , KaOS 2024.05 is packed with the most recent KDE software. This includes the KDE Plasma 6.0.5  desktop environment, together with the newly released KDE Gear 24.05  and KDE Frameworks 6.2  software suites. All of these are constructed on the Qt 6.7.1 app development structure.

KaOS 2024.05 has an intriguing adjustment compared to the previous KaOS 2024.03 version: the kernel has switched from Linux 6.7 to Linux 6.8 . With this change, KaOS Linux now officially supports the bcachefs file system , initially released with Linux kernel 6.7, alongside the necessary bcachefs-tools utilities.

This shift means that you can install KaOS Linux utilising the bcachefs file system when manually partitioning in the Calamares installer. Moreover, within the distribution, the bcachefs file system is also supported by the KDE Partition Manager app or a similar partition editor tool.

The latest release of KaOS Linux introduces a new Phonon sound backend called phonon-mpv, which is fully compatible with Qt 6. The release has removed kernel mode-setting for all graphics cards from the ISO image, making it smaller. Additionally, it features KDE’s latest WYSIWYG note-taking application, Marknote.

KDE-based applications such as Gcompris, Calligra, KWave, and Kaffeine have been updated to be compatible with Qt 6 and KDE Frameworks 6, offering widespread functionality within the distribution.

On the technical side, KaOS 2024.05 is built upon the Mesa 24.0.7 graphics stack, FFmpeg 6.1 multimedia framework, systemd 253.19 init system, Glib2 2.80 stack, Python 3.11, KMod 32, OpenSSL 3.3, and OpenJDK 17 technologies.

The KaOS Linux 2024.05 can be downloaded from the official website or via the provided direct download link below. Owing to the rolling-release model followed by KaOS Linux, existing users can upgrade their current installation using the command sudo pacman -Syu in a terminal emulator application.


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Samantha Rattner
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