Deluxe company -

2011 Roadmap 

January 19, 2011

Another year behind us, another decade behind us, and another opportunity to put that New Years drive into good use. You know what I’m talking about, that beginning of the year motivation to finish those projects, start a new one, or change yourself for the better. Fortunately for all of us, management here really likes to get things done in the beginning of the year. So, here’s a few things we’re working on:

1. Expansion: We had an incredibly strong 2010, posting record sales numbers each quarter and continuing our expansion in each of our locations. We’ve filled up nearly all of our space in NYC, Chicago, Dallas, and Atlanta. We’re in discussions with the powers that be to expand and we’re looking to bring a lot of new offers to the table with our to be acquired space. On top of our existing locations, our execs are in discussions with some local Buffalo providers to purchase an entire facility here in Buffalo and open up a datacenter. This would be our first wholly owned facility and everyone on staff is really excited for the opportunity. We’ll be joining the ranks of Yahoo and Microsoft, as both companies have opened up facilities in the area within the last year.

2. Product innovation: In 2010 we rolled out our fully featured, 100% custom in house developed control panel (also known as portal). Our development team is continuing to push out features and by the end of 2011 we hope to have a fully revised product with more client side features, a better overall look, and a ton of improvements on the administrative backend. We’re also in the early stages of bringing a cloud platform to front, along with focusing on our enterprise grade backup solutions.

3. New staff: Growth means more work, and luckily for all of us we were already working at 110% effort so we’ve brought some new faces aboard to compensate. The new hires include team members for both the sales and systems admin staff so we’re seeing improvements all around. If you see a new face around say hi, they’re still a bit timid adjusting to the work environment 🙂

4. Internal changes: A few of our senior staff have taken some time away from their regular day to day duties and have been commissioned with the task of finding ways to improve everything we do. This includes streamlining frequent processes, optimizing customer interactions and bringing improvements to existing features and tools we all use.

Short and sweet blog post this time around. 2010 was an astoundingly strong year and I can say I’m personally thrilled at the prospect of what we’ll be able to improve throughout 2011. There will be a ton of extra work for everyone but the payoff will be worth it. And with any luck, I’ll be writing a similar post mid January of 2012 bragging about our awesome year 🙂



ColoCrossing Team
ColoCrossing Team

Our team of dedicated IT experts strive to provide you the information you need to help improve your business' IT infrastructure.