Who are you guys? 

April 3, 2010

This whole blog thing is new around here, we’ve never really had one and personally I’m happy to have a canvas to rant (er, share!) on that someone other than my co-workers will read. I figure the first (okay second, but first real post) should be a little insight into what makes us tick.

A bit of an intro about me to gives this post some insight: when it comes to ColoCrossing, I’m the resident infrastructure monkey. I manage everything from our web servers, backup servers, email, DNS  — you get the picture. Every so often I’ll give our network engineers a hand too when / if they need it, but that’s not terribly often. I also do customer support and help our guys out there, which is why a majority of our current clients have seen my name one way or another (and hopefully they all were happy with me :)).

When it comes to keeping everything running, there’s no such thing as a short cut and we don’t allow “winging it”. Our management team expects the absolute best from us and we’re expected to deliver just that. We use above industry standard equipment for everything from network gear, hardware, providers, and facilities. This creates an *incredibly* demanding work environment for all of us and let me tell you, each one of us loves it. Every employee here is the kind of person who works best when a deadline needs to be met or a complex deployment needs to be delivered. It also creates a little friendly competition amongst everyone but that’s a good thing I think…

We also take a personal approach to each and every client, ensuring you don’t feel like just a number but actually a client who’s provider is actively engaged in the success of your business. Let’s face it, when you do well so do we, and we want to make sure everybody gains here. For example, our VP of Operations (Hi Jon!) still answers basic support tickets, and in the next minute will be making pro-active phone calls to customers big and small making sure they’re still happy and checking in to see if there’s any problems. Our support ticket system allows you to rate tickets and rest assured, if you’re unhappy about the way something is handled and put in a bad review, one of our managers will follow up with the issue and figure out what you were unhappy with, and make sure it doesn’t happen again. We’ll call you anytime at your request, and happily take your phone call at any time of the day (or night) if there’s something you’re unhappy with.

So there you have it, the first real (second total) blog post in company history, giving you all a more personal insight into what goes on around here. I expect there will be plenty to rant write and talk about from everyone around here so stay tuned, someone might actually say something worth reading 🙂




ColoCrossing Team
ColoCrossing Team

Our team of dedicated IT experts strive to provide you the information you need to help improve your business' IT infrastructure.