Customer Testimonials

In their on words

  • Chris VanAllman American Access Company

    We have been very pleased these past two years using ColoCrossing as our Colocation provider. We had switched from our previous provider due to ColoCrossing’s superior professionalism and speed in handling our requests; its top notch technicians; their catering to our special needs and…

  • Dave Stanley President, NRT Servers

    For the last 12 years, ColoCrossing has been my colocation and server provider. Throughout this time, ColoCrossing has provided my company with outstanding customer service and excellent product support. They have always taken care of my needs very quickly and thoroughly.

  • Mike H. CTO

    I have begun to rely on hosted data center services to provide the most reliable and lowest cost environment for our server farm. Over the past 10 years I have used several. ColoCrossing was a pleasant surprise offering a brand new, world class data center architecture at low rates. We…

  • Nick Krapf IT Director, Flexprint, Inc.

    Over the last two years, ColoCrossing has been a solid business partner and very flexible in meeting our Colocation needs. They’ve handled any issues very quickly, and are always highly responsive.
    The technical support has been easy to work with as well.